A Gift for Teaching PUSH Campaign 2011

It’s that time of year again, when the asphalt begins to bubble and parents start to buy school supplies for their kids to go back to school.

Last year, I introduced you to Pencil Boy. This year, I’ll just give it to you straight.

Did you know in Florida, about 50% of kids qualify for the Free or Reduced School Lunch Program. You can look at statistics here:http://www.fldoe.org/eias/eiaspubs/pdf/frplunch.pdf

In Orange County for the 2008-2009 school year, the percentage was 48.55%. In Osceola County, it was 65.11%!!

If these kids can’t afford lunch, how will they afford pencils and other school supplies?!

But there’s help!

A Gift For Teaching is an organization that distributes school supplies, including pencils, to teachers and students in need! They operate a Free Store for Teachers where the teachers can come in and shop without spending any money and get supplies for their students and classrooms. Through their excellent staff and kind donations and volunteers, they are able to take a $10 donation and stretch it into $100 worth of school supplies. That’s a LOT of pencils!

Please visit their website and find out more about them!

And you can help, too!

Please visit http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/matthew-hoskins-1/agiftforteaching-matthoskins and consider donating even a small amount to A Gift for Teaching. Every little bit counts! Skip today’s Starbucks run, and give that $5 to them so kids can have pencils and erasers, glue, paper, scissors, etc.

It only takes about $7 to fill a backpack with supplies for kids. Could you give $7 to fill a backpack?

Thank you so much for donating!

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