Monthly Archives: July 2007

New fancrush!

Jessica Oyelowo, who I have noticed in The Gil Mayo Mysteries on BBCA. She was in the movie Sleepy Hollow, and the pilot for Hex, and some other stuff. She is married to a guy in Spooks, though.

Fortunately, Rachel McAdams is still single.

The Simpsons (no spoilers)

Last night, I got to go to an 8pm preview of The Simpsons with media and contest winners. (I went with a ticket from, a WOM marketing company.) The screening was at Universal CityWalk. So, my friend Robin and I got there a little after 6 for the 8pm show. But then they gave us wristbands and we got to wander around the outside area of the theater where they had a yellow carpet (instead of a red carpet), and they handed out big blue Marge wigs and t-shirts and stuff. Then The Simpsons arrived at about 7pm – costumed characters from Universal Studios…because of course, Universal is opening a Simpsons ride next year to replace the Back to the Future ride. So the Simpsons walked the yellow carpet and we followed them into the theater.

At the top of the escalators (it’s a big theater), they had free concessions – pink Homer donuts, popcorn and soda (great since we didn’t get a chance to eat dinner, but whoa – too much popcorn.

We sat around for a long time. Then The Simpsons came in the theater and did a photoshoot in the audience. Hopefully, I will not be in any of the pictures. They were also shot video and I might be in that. Hopefully not.

So then the movie started – only one preview, for Horton Hears a Who. It might be okay. CGI from the Ice Age folks with Jim Carrey as the elephant (Horton) and Steve Carell as the Who.

But The Simpsons Movie was laugh out loud funny. It’s everything that a TV Show should be when turned into a movie. And it’s everything I would ever want from a Simpsons movie, though I am not a superfan. In scale, it was huge, with every character that I think has ever been on the show (maybe with one exception, but for a good reason, I am sure). It’s well worth seeing. Tons of laughs, and touching moments too. Pacing of it was good too – it didn’t feel like just a long episode of the TV show, nor did it drag on too long.

After the movie, they escorted us into Universal Studios which was open from 10 to midnight for the people who went to the screening. They had 4 attractions open – Shrek 4D, Jimmy Neutron, Twister, and Revenge of the Mummy. Robin and I rode Mummy twice and then left (because frankly, the other rides suck).

So it was a great night! We had a ton of fun.

Han Solo Costume

I made Alexander a Han Solo costume for a Star Wars themed birthday party. It should be able to be recycled for Halloween this year too. Pictures are below the cut.
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Han Solo

A week from Sunday, Alexander and I are going to a birthday party for a 7 year old. The party has a Star Wars theme, and the kids are all encouraged to dress up.

So I am making Alexander a Han Solo costume. If he likes it still, I may extend it’s life for Halloween.

So this is it in the middle of being made:

Oh, and by the way, I have never really made a costume before, and I have no idea how to sew beyond buttons and hemming pants.