Our Day with K and Kids

Today, I got to see K! I haven’t seen her in several years, and I am happy she moved back to town! She blogs over at http://familysizedfun.blogspot.com/. This was also the first time meeting her children! They are sooo precious.

We went to Loch Haven Park for the Kids Fringe part of the Orlando Fringe Festival. They had music and dancing and storytelling and improv and arts and crafts for the kids. It was fun, even though it was hot!

Before I write more, let me be a good father and post a picture of my handsome son, Alexander. He is piratical.

I met K several years ago via Myspace. I don’t remember the details, but I liked what she wrote. We bonded over the book Blue Like Jazz, if I recall. And then it turned out that we went to the same church, though at different times, because then I was living in a different town. Eventually I moved back and went back to that church and officially met K in person. We began hanging out downtown, usually on Sunday nights at a bar called Matador.

She knew cool people, because she’s a cool person herself. She was a good friend, and I don’t know if she knows how much I appreciated her friendship at the time. My divorce had just been finalized and things were in turmoil. I was insecure and my world felt very small, and K helped open that world up a little bit and helped me see things beyond.

Eventually, K moved away, and things changed. She got married (but I got to meet Boom Boom before and he’s a great guy). We stayed in touch a little over the next few years, but didn’t talk a lot. And then there came Twitter, and now she’s moved back to town, and the world seems a little more open than it had.

So today at the Fringe, I had so much fun, just enjoying the company of a long-time friend, and enjoying her amazing kids, who are incredibly photogenic. When Alexander was young, I took pictures all the time. As he’s gotten older, I take many less, and when I do take pictures, he’s often not willing to be in them, so it’s fun being able to take pictures of cute kids that will allow you to do it.


Such a face!

Alas, poor Ice Cream. I knew him…


Mosquito says “bzzzzzzz”

This is just the cutest thing.

4 responses to “Our Day with K and Kids

  1. Your day looks awesome 🙂

    And so much fun. Even if I mistook the Matador for your church and thought you worshipped somewhere very very fun.

  2. it was so good to see you today too!
    the girls LOVED you and alexander

    madee’s such a ham on the stage
    ham on wheat with extra CHEESE!
    she’s still talking about her “fwen”
    i think we will work on saying alexander
    but for now we call him “lex”

    when we met was a crazy time for me too
    and i love that story
    “opened up the world a little bit”
    i might have a tear
    so glad we have stayed in touch
    and OF COURSE we have!
    can’t wait for another disney day!
    this time you won’t be the only one excited to meet belle!

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